Creating meaningful value and improving productivity with every human resource transaction.

The Avue Operating System (AOS) — the base platform for Indigo by Avue — provides for workflow; business process management; business activity monitoring; personnel action processing, tracking and reporting; data warehousing; online standard and ad hoc reporting; data analytics; dashboards; application program interfaces (APIs) to third party systems; interconnections with other federal systems; cybersecurity and FedRAMP and agency authorizations management; FedRAMP-authorized infrastructure; user and access management; HR collaboration platform; and enterprise skills banks.

Workflow and Personnel Action Request (PAR) and Transaction Processing

Avue’s Personnel Action Request (PAR) system covers 100 percent of the SF-52 personnel actions and many non-52 actions that are common HR transactions. Managers, or their HR Specialist or Administrative Officers, initiate actions by completing a simple 1-2-3 step process that captures essential information. Each transaction has an accompanying file for electronic transfer to the payroll system and other third-party systems such as OPM’s EHRI or EDR.  In this way, the form and accompanying system file contain the accurate information about personnel action codes, regulatory and legal citations, and payroll data feeds.

These service requests are then automatically routed, via Avue’s workflow system, to approving officials, verifiers, administrative staff, HR, and other process participants. At the conclusion of the process, PAR generates a PDF version of the personnel action form, such as the Federal SF-52, SF-50, or other relevant forms.

As the service request is processed, members of the workflow team can look up the status of actions 24×7.  The lookup shows the in and out time and date stamps of each process step and the user taking action at each step.  AOS workflow offers unique capabilities to skip steps, insert steps, and to hold actions in a pending state.  Each action’s cycle time is tracked by activity.

Workflow team members are sent notifications, alerts, “click-thru” emails, and statuses as required or desired.  Click-thru emails take the users directly to the activity they need to act on, after login. Each process step and activity has a drop down menu of choices that fit the user’s role and permissions. 

Taking action is simple and easy and also reliable and controlled. All workflow team members are consistently kept informed.

Part of the uniqueness in Avue’s workflow and PAR processing system is the ability to suspend transactions without cancellation and to send actions back for necessary approvals, authorizations, and decisions. Actions sent back, on hold, or pending, are put back on the clock for the user who is required to provide decisions or information on the process step. This helps ensure that cycle time is recorded accurately and that each member of the workflow team has their productivity tracked accurately as well. 

Each transaction is compiled into a series of tabs activated by clicking on the appropriate icon.  Some icons contain tabs with additional documents or information.  The icons allow the users to view: Process Steps, a Status Log, Attachments, the Case File, and Workflow Team Contacts.  The Status Log contains all activity, each date and time stamped, and each user taking the action, the action process step, and comments or remarks regarding the action – in chronological order by action taken.

The Case File Icon takes the user to this screen with tabs additional tabs, including for the SF-52 and SF-50.  As the workflow progresses, these forms are populated automatically based on the nature of the personnel action, the actions taken by users, and the outcome of the personnel action.  All conform to the OPM Guide to Processing Personnel Actions (GPPA) and agency policy.

The transaction processing in AOS includes all SF-52 related, as found in OPM’s Guide to Processing Personnel Actions (GPPA),  and some non-52 related personnel actions.   Action types are put into the categories to facilitate ease of use.  These Categories are:

  • Promotion Actions
  • Reassign/Conversion Actions
  • Establish and Fill Actions
  • Position Allocation Actions
  • Separation Actions
  • Non-pay/Non-duty Actions
  • Bonus and Award Actions
  • Pay and Step Changes
  • Position Review
  • Changes (Employee Data, CPDF/EHRI Data, Benefits Data, SCD Data, Veterans’ Preference Data)
  • Other Actions (Deny WIGI, Worker’s Comp, Chang to Lower Grade, Details)

Avue’s Artificial Intelligence uses a HITL or Human-in-the-Loop process to validate the SF-52 prior to processing in the HRIS or with the payroll service provider.  This provides additional context for the system to “learn” when overrides are required and allows improved AI performance over time. 

Avue provides tools for HITL that include a view of the logic and flow that is used to determine the NOAC and associated legal citations and remarks.

Indigo by Avue AOS Dashboards

Dashboards, transaction list views, and online reports allow program managers and authorized users the ability to see all actions in-flight, historically, and in-bound.  Managers can have their own dashboard and see their own actions as well.  Dashboards and reports can show cycle time and other data about the action as well as actions over- or under-standard.  Dashboards also display activities, key data points, and allow access to individual actions directly.

Indigo by Avue AOS Online Reports

AOS online reports allows users to generate ad hoc reports, create and save standard reports, and configure reports to run on a regular scheduled or event-driven basis. Reports are available in dropdown menus as well as through search engines.

Ad hoc reports are accessible to authorized users and allow the user to select the data and arrange the rows and columns for each unique report. All reports print to PDF format and can be downloaded into Excel for further analytics. Avue’s Concierge Service supports users requesting reports be created and run by Avue and this is art of Avue’s embedded services for all subscribers.  No additional software purchases or service fees are required for full reporting support by AOS and Avue.

Live, Real-Time, Online Organizational Charts

A robust HR program should operate with a live, real-time, online set of organizational charts that provide just-in-time information and resources to both managers, staff professionals,  and HR practitioners alike. 

Avue’s online organizational charts marry data from multiple sources, like your payroll system, with Avue data to display the organizational structure.  Rolling over individual positions shows  data about the positions.  Vacant positions and contractors are displayed in the org chart as well – giving you a bird’s-eye view of the total enterprise workforce.

Indigo by Avue AOS Skills Survey

From the President’s Management Agenda

Transformation: To achieve a state where Federal agencies and managers can hire the best employees remove the worst employees, and engage employees at all levels of the organization, the Government must put a framework in place that drives and encourages strategic human capital management.

The 21st Century Workforce Cross-agency Priority Goal includes the following sub-goals:

  1. Improving employee performance management and engagement,
  2. Reskilling and redeploying human capital resources, and
  3. Enabling simple and strategic hiring practices.

AOS includes employee skill survey capabilities that allow the client organization to maintain a complete inventory of the skills in its employee base for mission deployments, employee development, succession planning, workforce forecasting, recruitment skills banks, and training needs assessment. The skills banks facilitate workforce analytics for better recruitment, higher quality hires, workforce agility, and staffing and manpower planning. The skills survey is included in the AOS database and application functionality and is updated along with all content database additions, modifications, customizations, and labor market adjustments.

The skills surveys include the following elements with the option to add elements for the agency.

  • Occupational History
  • Volunteer Activity
  • Specific Job Activities
  • Special Projects And Collateral Duties
  • Education, Including Verification Of Accreditation Of Higher Education Institutions
  • Certifications, Licenses, Credentials, and Specialized Training Including Dates, Type, And Recertification
  • Cognitive Competencies
  • Behavioral Competencies
  • Security Clearances
  • Passport Clearances
  • Military Service, Including Military Occupational Specialty.
  • Non-compensated Work Experience
  • Languages, Including Oral, Written, and Listening Proficiency
  • Overseas Experience By Country and Sector and Type
  • Document Attachments (e.g., DD-214, College Transcripts)
  • Option to Download Your LinkedIn Profile